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4 Things to Do Before You Leave Work on Friday

12/01/21 02:51

Do you always finish your week and go home in two ways: feel much stressed trying to finish up a million things or lose a bit of ambition and struggle to get stuff done? Let read the sharing from a writer on Experisjobs.us below:

How do you finish your working day to be completely enjoy your weekend?

Regardless of my state of mind there are a few things I always try to do before wrapping up for the week. It may seem like extra work, but it’s become such a normal part of my Friday, that I would feel like I’m missing something if I didn’t do the four following things:

1. Write down accomplishments for the week – Big or small, record them all! Take a few minutes to jot down the items you completed this week. Include projects finished, challenges met, deadlines beat, new tasks, accolades received, etc. This exercise will help you in discussions with your manager both during update meetings and at performance review.

2. Return messages – Make it a point to get back to anyone who reached out to you. Give them an answer, an update or just a note to say you will have more information shortly.

3. Update my to do list – Think about how nice it will be when you come in to work on Monday and you know exactly what you have to do. Include lingering items and long-term projects. This exercise helps me to write down important items that I otherwise would forget over the weekend.

4. Clean up my desk – This may sound silly to some, but a clean desk can help provide a fresh and organized art when you return to work. It’s much easier to get going on a Monday morning when you don’t have to rummage around your desk for a certain report

Once I have these four items checked off, I can wrap up my week. Sometimes just taking a minute or two to organize yourself can make things a lot easier.

A part from these, do you have any things that you just have to do before you wrap up your work week? Let us know in the comments, please!

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