List of CV and Cover Letter Templates

The CV templates are designed in a modern & diverse style and according to all industries. They are suitable for all students and staff.

Communication / Media jobs Template 1
Admin / HR, Communication / Media jobs Template 2
Accounting / Finance, Admin / HR Template 3
Accounting / Finance, Admin / HR Template 4
Accounting / Finance, Sales / Marketing Template 5
Sales / Marketing Template 6
Computer / IT, Construction Template 7
Manufacturing, Computer / IT Template 8
Healthcare, Communication / Media jobs Template 9
Admin / HR, Sciences Template 10
Computer / IT, Construction Template 11
Admin / HR, Sales / Marketing Template 12
Sales / Marketing Template 13
Computer / IT Template 14
Admin / HR, Communication / Media jobs Template 2
Accounting / Finance, Admin / HR Template 3
Accounting / Finance, Admin / HR Template 4
Admin / HR, Sciences Template 10
Admin / HR, Sales / Marketing Template 12
Accounting / Finance, Sales / Marketing Template 5
Sales / Marketing Template 6
Admin / HR, Sales / Marketing Template 12
Sales / Marketing Template 13
Computer / IT, Construction Template 7
Manufacturing, Computer / IT Template 8
Computer / IT, Construction Template 11
Computer / IT Template 14
Communication / Media jobs Template 1
Admin / HR, Communication / Media jobs Template 2
Healthcare, Communication / Media jobs Template 9
Accounting / Finance, Admin / HR Template 3
Accounting / Finance, Admin / HR Template 4
Accounting / Finance, Sales / Marketing Template 5
Computer / IT, Construction Template 7
Computer / IT, Construction Template 11
Healthcare, Communication / Media jobs Template 9
Admin / HR, Sciences Template 10
Manufacturing, Computer / IT Template 8
Mẫu Cover Letter 1
Mẫu Cover Letter 2
Mẫu Cover Letter 3
Mẫu Cover Letter 4
Mẫu Cover Letter 5
Mẫu Cover Letter 6

Be free and creative in outstanding resume making

It only takes 3-5 seconds for a recruiter to quickly scan your CV
A professional CV with a clear layout will catch the employer' eyes!

Create now

The most popular CV templates

Communication / Media jobs Template 1
Admin / HR, Communication / Media jobs Template 2
Accounting / Finance, Admin / HR Template 3
Accounting / Finance, Admin / HR Template 4
Accounting / Finance, Sales / Marketing Template 5
Sales / Marketing Template 6
Computer / IT, Construction Template 7
Manufacturing, Computer / IT Template 8
Healthcare, Communication / Media jobs Template 9
Admin / HR, Sciences Template 10
Computer / IT, Construction Template 11
Admin / HR, Sales / Marketing Template 12
Sales / Marketing Template 13
Computer / IT Template 14

Steps to create a CV template


Update your information

Fill out information to help Employers better understand your strengths and abilities.


Select CV template

Diverse CV templates depends on your style that you choose and creatively make a CV.


Download CV and apply jobs

Download your completed CV and apply for any position you want.

Mẫu thư ứng tuyển

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